The Dalbeattie Museum Trust A.G.M
Sunday 4th December 2016
We had a very successful A.G.M, being joined by many members and friends of Dalbeattie Museum.
Our Chairman Donald gave a report on all the exciting things the museum had been involved with in the last year. He told the company that the museum had 4000 visitors over the summer. He told the company about the great reviews we have had on trip advisor. He said the museum bank of volunteers had grown, especially with the Wednesday gang, which showed the camaraderie and fun this institution can bring.
Bill Borthwick, our treasurer of 6 years was standing down with effect after the meeting. He and his wife had now moved to Kirkcudbright and Donald thanked Bill on behalf of all the volunteers and Directors, for his sterling work and wished them both well. Erica Johnston agreed to become our new treasurer.
Many new and varied articles had been handed into the museum. Donald explained that space was becoming an issue for any additional items in the future. But the museum would do its best never to refuse any items.
We had recieved, prams, old tools, a copy of the worlds smallest bible and a collection of fairground traction engines and wagons, all based on the Rood fair in Dumfries.
We had recieved various donations from organisations in Dalbeattie and also from people in the town leaving something to the museum in their wills. Donald thanked them all.
These donation would help boost the funds as the museum lightening systems was becoming a drain on the fianaces.
The book on the history of Dalbeattie Primary School, which was launched at the start of the year had brought in a good number of visitors to the museum. We had made a donation to the Primary School of £250, a share of the donations recieved from the public. This off set the deficit the school faced in producing the book.
Donald explained our main event this season was the 80th Birthday of our life President, Tommy Henderson, at the end of October. The towns foks had come out to support Tommy. Everyone had a great time.
Donald explained we have now launched a Facebook page, with help from Graeme Henderson.
The museum is trying to keep up with technology.
Many groups had come to visit the museum, including , Dalbeattie Rotary Club, Cubs and Beavers group from Dalbeattie.
Donald said, All in all this had been another fantastic year for the museum and closing his speech by thanking all the volunteers and helpers of the museum, as without them there would not be a museum.
Donald then introduced Erica Johnston.
Erica then gave a wonderful talk on the life of William McMaster Murdoch. She gave a fabulous insight into the man who was William McMaster Murdoch, giving a glimpse of how he became to be on the Titanic, on that ill fated night. She explianed his family life and how his life was shaped.
Donald Henderson gave the vote of thanks.
Refreshments were then served.